Şanlıurfa , Havalimanı

  • Adres: Şanlıurfa GAP Havalimanı - İç Hatlar Geliş Terminali
  • E-mail: sanliurfa@enterprise.com.tr
  • Telefon: 0530 875 92 70
  • Çalışma Saatleri:  Ofis,uçak iniş saatlerinde açık olup uçak iniş saati dışında ve uçuş olmadığı günlerde kapalıdır.


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You can guarantee the comfort of your travel with the quality of Enterprise rent a car in Sanliurfa, which is known as the city of prophets. Sanliurfa has many features worth seeing and it will take you on a journey between history and today, with its thousands of years of history and its city architecture typical for mystical Middle Eastern cities. Visiting the holy places in the hometown of the Prophet Abraham, especially Balıklı Göl (Pool of Abraham), and tasting the famous Urfa Kebab in its hometown are just a few of the beauties the city has to offer. We are at your service with our offices located in the city center and on the GAP Airport highway in Sanliurfa, which will impress you with its cultural features, glorious past and developing city texture. You can procure rent a car services in Sanliurfa from the new Enterprise office, which is compatible with the typical architecture of the city, or from our office located on the airport highway.

Sanliurfa, known as the land of civilizations and prophets throughout history and where people from different ethnic origins live together, has been regarded as an important religious, economic and political center since ancient times. The first known mine in the world is located in Sanliurfa. Most of the miracles and events mentioned in Abrahamic religions take place in and around Urfa. Urfa, which is considered as a center for all Abrahamic religions, attracts a lot of tourists with this aspect. Sumerians, Hittites, Assyrians, Medes and Persian Empires had long-term dominance in Urfa and the excavations conducted here revealed many valuable pieces belonging to the years 7250-5500 BC and after. During these dominions, works of such empires were brought to Urfa in line with their own civilizations and their continuity was ensured until today. Balıklı Gol (Pool of Abraham), in which the stories say that the Prophet Abraham who was punished by Nemrut is believed to have been thrown into fire from the castle standing right next to the lake; the cave where Prophet Abraham was born; Grand Bazaar, in which products that shed light on history and will make you feel the breezes of the east are sold; Halfeti Houses made of earth; Urfa Castle, which was built between steep rocks so that the conquest would be impossible; Harran; isot pepper; raw meatball and sira nights are on the list of things to do when you visit Urfa. It will of course be best not to be limited to these, but to visit the city of the Prophets, every stone of which smells history. When someone speaks of Urfa, dishes with a lot of spices with a hot and spicy taste usually comes to mind. You will realize that this is mainly because of the climate conditions when you get there. Raw meatballs and coal cooked liver are among the most known dishes of that type. Although “Raw Meatballs” are prepared without fire, as the meat is cooked by kneading only with the help of isot pepper and other spices and that varieties of it are available in different regions, it is almost the symbol of Urfa, which is the homeland of raw meatballs. According to the belief of the people of Urfa, the voice of those who eat raw meatballs sounds more mature and sedate. Apart from this, other regional delicacies include lentil balls, stuffed meatballs made with ground meat and walnuts, aya meatballs made with ground-lean dark meat and meatball-type bulgur rice. Also, don't forget the kebabs. Urfa kebab, eggplant kebab and yoghurt kebab will add delicacy to your historical journey and prepare your palate for lahmacun. After eating all these, you can eat kunefe and return to your home city with 10 kilos of excess weight. No matter how much we describe delicacies, Urfa is ineffable and the best way to understand is to take a short plane trip!


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