Reserve a Rental Car

You can return your vehicle to a different location
You can rent a car using a promotional code.

Terms and Conditions:

35% discount on private domestic rentals for Türk Telekom Corporate Customers!

Domestic Rental Terms&Conditions:

  • The campaign is valid until 31.12.2024.
  • The campaign offers a 35% discount.
  • Additional driver campaign is valid for middle and upper-class vehicles.
  • 35% discount is not valid for monthly or annual car rentals.
  • You must be a corporate customer of Türk Telekom (TT, TTNET or any of Avea).
  • The campaign code can be obtained by typing ENTERPRISE KURUMSAL and sending it to 7227.
  • Enterprise General Rental Information and Conditions apply for domestic car rentals.
  • Discounts earned within the scope of the campaign cannot be transferred to anyone else
  • Enterprise ve TELEKOMUNİKASYON A.Ş.  has the right to change the terms of the campaign prior notice.
  • SMS sent for the campaign will be charged at the rate of 1 SMS for Türk Telekom customers.


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